Dec 9, 2011
Conservation Leadership Program
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 3:47 AM
Conservation Leadership Program (Conservation Leadership Through Learning)
Society is faced with some of the greatest challenges in history, from climate change to biodiversity loss to energy security and beyond. We need leaders who think differently, embrace complexity, and see the human and environmental condition as one intricate system. The Conservation Leadership Program is a new 24-month Master of Science degree that will prepare students to be a part of the next generation of conservation leaders who will tackle these dynamic challenges. In August 2012, approximately 20 students will begin an intensive educational journey in the United States and Mexico. Also referred to as Conservation Leadership Through Learning (CLTL), this program merges transdisciplinary university education with real-world action to train leaders who can deliver on-the-ground benefits for conservation and communities. By reaching far beyond the classroom walls, students will develop the knowledge and real-world skills to become effective conservation leaders making a difference for the environment and people’s lives.
CLTL is a partnership between Colorado State University’s Warner College of Natural Resources and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur in Mexico. For more information, please visit our website ( or contact us at Applications are now being accepted through January 9th, 2012 for the cohort starting in August 2012.
Esther Duke
Coordinator of Special Projects and Programs
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Colorado State University
Dec 5, 2011
Jobs Opportunity: FIELD-Bumi Ceria
- 2 years minimun experienced work with local communities
- Have agriculture back ground are preferred
- Know the basic concepts of facilitation, adult education, especially those who already know the concept of the field school
- Know the concept of disaster risk reduction and climate change
- Accustomed to working under pressure, able to work independently, able to work in a team, willing to work with the community in the field
- Able to speak english
- Able to operate computer
- Work closely with technical specialist and other area managers to conduct field school, farmer research, training, workshop and other technical issues related to disaster risk reduction, climate change, monitoring and evaluation
- Organize initial field schools in nagari or korong level both technical and vulnerability assessment
- Provide support to local facilitators in implementation of field schools and community groups in development and implementation of action plans related to Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
- Liaise with local stakeholders at village and sub-district levels
- Assist Project Manager for technical report both annual and progress reports including success stories, best practices, lessons learned and shared learning.
- At least 2 years experienced working in IT
- Able to develop a simple computer and Internet learning modules
- Willing to work under pressure, independently or with team
- Willing to work with communities in the Field
- Experience working with journalists and media
- Work closely with Area Managers to conduct field training on digital device
- Organize initial training on digital device in nagari or korong level
- Set up and organize office network to support FIELD-Bumi Ceria daily activities
- Liaise with stakeholders in any level to leverage impact of digital learning center
- Assist Project Manager for technical report both annual and progress reports including success stories, best practices, lessons learned and shared learning.
- Development of media and journalist network in outreaching program issues
Nov 15, 2011
WWF-Hong Kong: Manager, Habitat Management and Monitoring
Organisation: WWF-Hong Kong
Reference: W-MHMM
Location: Hong Kong
Hours: Full Time
Position type: Paid
Contract: Permanent
Contact email:
WWF – Solutions for a living planet
WWF is a global conservation organisation, with a global network active in more than 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. WWF-Hong Kong has been working since 1981 to deliver solutions for a living planet through Conservation, Footprint and Education programmes. For more information, please visit:
Manager, Habitat Management and Monitoring
(Job Code: W-MHMM)
The Mai Po Nature Reserve has been known internationally as a haven for migratory birds for decades. The Reserve, covering some 380 ha, was listed as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention in 1995. It lies in the heart of the East Asian Australasian Flyway (EAAF) making it a critical stopover site for many species of birds, especially waterbirds, and many of them are of global conservation concern.
Apart from fulfilling its potential to support good populations of a diverse waterbird fauna, WWF-Hong Kong has set forth the goal of transforming the Reserve into a regional centre of excellence and to function as a ‘model’ site to other network sites in the EAAF.
Reporting to the Centre Manager generally and Senior Head of Local Biodiversity & Regional Wetlands technically, the Manager-Habitat Management and Monitoring will be leading a team and providing technical expertise in managing the habitat and infrastructure, response to challenges and conducting research and monitoring at the Reserve.
- Provide technical expertise in habitat management and conservation at the Reserve; lead a team to maintain, develop and upgrade facilities and habitats;
- Prepare and monitor annual operating budget for habitat management;
- Work closely with the Centre Manager to develop strategic partnerships with other local and international NGOs, academics, interest groups, experts and to maintain good relationships with key local stakeholders, notably relevant government departments to ensure the smooth running and conservation of the Reserve;
- Supervise a team responsible for the implementation of research and monitoring programmes;
- Work closely with internal Education and Communications staff to provide technical knowledge for awareness raising activities relating to the Reserve;
- Work with the wetland management training team, create synergies with other freshwater and wetland projects;
- Provide support to fundraising programmes and major donor events held at the Reserve;
- Act as the primary spokesperson for WWF-Hong Kong on the habitat management and wildlife at Mai Po, and Big Bird Race
Job Requirements:
- Degree holder in a relevant discipline, e.g. ecology, nature conservation, wildlife biology
- 5+ years of experience in a position that stewards the habitat management work of a wetland nature reserve or a wetland national park
- 3+ years of work experience at a supervisory level, able to demonstrate good management and supervisory skills
- Good command of both written and spoken English while fluency in Cantonese or Mandarin is desirable.
- Excellent presentation and communication skills
- Good analytical skills and demonstrate strong skills in writing technical reports
- Good planning and organizing skills, able to develop comprehensive project plans and monitor performance
- Proactive and takes initiatives, able to make quick decisions
- Able to cope with high workload and pressure
- Have a genuine interest in wildlife, especially birds
- Physically fit for working outdoor for lengthy period
Full job description can be downloaded at WWF-HK website: (click on ‘More information’)
The work location of this post is at Mai Po Marshes Wildlife Education Centre and Nature Reserve, Tam Kon Chau, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong, China.
We offer a 5-day work week and comparative compensation and benefits package to the right candidate. Interested parties please send your application letter and CV, stating present and expected salary via email: Please indicate the Job Code in the subject of your e-mail.
(All information provided will be used for recruitment-related purpose only. Applicants who do not hear from us within six to eight weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful. It is our policy to retain the personal data of unsuccessful applicants for future recruitment purposes for a period of six months.)
source: WWF-HK
Nov 4, 2011
Exit Strategy After Project (ITTO PD 426/06 Rev.1 (F) - Ramin (2011)) Completion
- Leaflet - The Prevention of Further Loss and The Promotion of Rehabilitation and Plantation of Gonystylu
- Current Status of Ramin Seed Source in Sumatra
- Seed Source of Ramin in West and Central Kalimantan
- Training Needs To Improve CITES Implementation on Ramin In Indonesia
- Pedoman Identifikasi Kayu Ramin dan Kayu Mirip Ramin
- Leaflet - Hasil dan Rekomendasi ITTO PPD87
- Evaluation and the Promotion of CITES Implementation on Ramin in Indonesia
- Teknik Inventarisasi Sediaan Ramin di Hutan Rawa Gambut
- Panduan Inventarisasi Sediaan Ramin di Hutan Rawa Gambut
- Review of the Existing Methods and Design For Ramin Inventory in Peat Swamp Forest
- Panduan Penilaian Non-Detrimental Finding untuk Ramin Gonystylus spp
- Guideline for Non - Detrimental Finding Assessment on Ramin Gonystylus spp
- Manual Monitoring Musim Berbunga - Berbuah dan Produksi Benih Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus)
- Pedoman Teknis Pembuatan Stek Pucuk Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus)
- Evaluasi Sistem Silvikultur Hutan Rawa Gambut di Indonesia
- Literature Review on Gonystylus bancanus Botany Ecology and Potency
- Panduan Identifikasi Jenis-Jenis Ramin di Indonesia
- Report - Asian Workshop of the ITTO-CITES Project on Ensuring International Trade in CITES - listed Timb
- Identifikasi Gap Informasi Menuju Pengelolaan Hutan ramin Secara Lestari
- Information Gaps Toward Sustainable Managment and Conservation of Ramin
- Improving Inventory Design to Estimate Growing Stock of Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) in Indonesia
- Silviculture, Study Plots, Seed Production and Propagation of Ramin - An Executive Summary Activity II
- Gonystylus spp (Ramin) - Population Status, Genetics and Gene Conservation
- Roadmap Toward Sustainable and Conservation of Ramin
- Booklet - Let's Save Ramin, Let's Save Peat Swamp Forests
ASEAN Regional Knowledge Network on Forest and Climate Change (The Documents)
Vacancy: Positions vacants at Burung Indonesia
Burung Indonesia is developing a Resource Centre in Harapan Rainforest. Located in Jambi and South Sumatera, Harapan Rainforest is a 100,000 ha ecosystem restoration concession and it is the first project in Indonesia to be implemented under an ecosystem restoration licence, allowing the management of production forest for restoration rather than logging.
Burung Indonesia invites qualified individuals to submit their interest for the following positions by sending CV to: on 10 November 2011 at the latest.
Communication and Outreach Specialist (COS)
Experienced in the design and production of awareness/promotion materials; Experience in developing public awareness and outreach programs; Experience in report and content writing, design and production of awareness/promotion materials; Experience in managing media activities, and press releases; and willing to stay in the field for a long period of time.
Main tasks: Develops clear written content for a variety of audiences (government, private sector, schools etc) for use on the program website and within print materials; manages the development and editing of high quality written materials including lesson learnt, factual stories, publications, press releases, pitch letters, Q & As, and other communications materials in cooperation with relevant units and job holders; Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of communication strategy and provides recommendations for adjusting the strategy as necessary. Strong writing skills a must.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts degree, preferably in Communications, Journalism, or a PR related discipline. Minimum 4 years experience. Please provide samples of work/portfolio with the application.
Research & Communication Officer (RCO)
Demonstrated experience in the analysis of sustainable natural resource management issues; writing position papers; information briefs and lessons learned; experience in working with a variety of stakeholders.
Main tasks: Carry out studies on sustainable natural resource management issues; coordinate knowledge centre staff in disseminating information on sustainable natural resource management to a variety of stakeholders; compile and analyze data on climate change issues; network with a variety of stakeholders. Strong writing skills a must.
Qualifications: Ecology, forestry, or conservation management related degree with at least 4 years of experience working in natural resources management and development. Please provide samples of work/portfolio with the application.
Burung Indonesia
Jl. Dadali No. 32,
BOGOR 16161
Telp. +62 251 8357 222
Fax. +62 251 8357 961
Aug 16, 2011
Vacancy: Positions vacants at Burung Indonesia
Burung Indonesia (BirdLife Indonesia Association) is the Indonesian partner of BirdLife International - a global partnership of conservation organizations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats, and global biodiversity. It was established on 15 July 2002, as an independent Indonesian non-government organisation, after working for 10 years as the program office of BirdLife International in Indonesia.
Burung Indonesia is developing a Resource Centre in Harapan Rainforest. Located in Jambi and South Sumatera, Harapan Rainforest is a 100,000 ha ecosystem restoration concession and it is the first project in Indonesia to be implemented under an ecosystem restoration licence, allowing the management of production forest for restoration rather than logging.
Burung Indonesia invites qualified individuals to submit their interest for the following positions by sending CV to: on 26 August 2011 at the latest. Please note that all positions will be based in Harapan Rainforest but with approximately 30% of the time spent in Burung Indonesia’s Bogor office.
1. Head of Harapan Resource Centre (HRC)
Knowledge and skills about knowledge management processes, infrastructures, and principles; Proven leadership qualities, training, communication and negotiation skills; and Good project management experience.
Main tasks:
· Coordinate knowledge development team in the Resource Centre;
· Design knowledge management strategy;
· Oversee implementation of knowledge management system;
· Train and educate staff and other stakeholders on use of the knowledge management system, and provide and/or facilitate ongoing support for users of the system;
· Willing to stay in the field for a long period of time.
University degree in social sciences, information or similar skills. At least 5 years of relevant working experience.
2. Knowlege Management Officer (KMO)
Demonstrated experience in developing and managing databases and information systems well as
Main tasks:
· Implement and monitor knowledge management strategy in the resource centre;
· Capture, document and analyze assets;
· Design and coordinate capacity building for field staff;
· Oversees the development of database and information management;
· Willing to stay in the field for a long period of time.
University degree in communication, information, education or similar skills. At least 5 years of relevant working experience.
3. Forest Resource Management Specialist (FRMS)
Thorough knowledge of multiple use forest resource management, protection and conservation; Proven technical skills in production forest resource management; Considerable knowledge of forest rehabilitation and restoration and forestry regulations; Extensive experience with community agroforestry management and business; Familiar with forest-climate issues.
Main tasks:
· Provide inputs in the planning and administration of forest restoration programs such as, but not limited to: forest inventory, silviculture, fire protection, insect and disease protection, forest rehabilation and reforestation;
· Coordinates and assists in the administration and conduct of research, and other projects;
· Documents knowledge and experience based on the forestry operation;
· Involved in developing training programs for field staff;
· Willing to stay in the field for a long period of time.
Degree in forestry and considerable professional experience in forest resources management; or any equivalent combination of training and experience. At least 5 years of relevant working experience.
4. Communication and Outreach Specialist (COS)
Experienced in design and production of awareness/promotion materials; Experience in developing public awareness and outreach campaigns; Experience in report and content writing, design and production of awareness/promotion materials; Experience in developing public awareness and outreach programs; Experience in managing media activities, and press releases.
Main tasks:
· Develops clear written content for technical and non-technical audiences for use on the program website and within print materials;
· Manages the development and editing of high quality written materials including lesson learnt, factual stories, publications, press releases, pitch letters, Q & As, and other communications materials in cooperation with relevant units and job holders;
· Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of communication strategy and provides recommendations for adjusting the strategy as necessary.
Bachelor of Arts degree, preferably in Communications, Journalism, or a PR related discipline. Minimum 4 years experience, with development experience required.
Burung Indonesia
Jl. Dadali No. 32,
BOGOR 16161
Telp. +62 251 8357 222
Fax. +62 251 8357 961
Aug 5, 2011
CALL FOR ENTRIES: An Exciting Story of Adaptation to Climate Change
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 3:01 PM
Subject: Competition for best media reporting on Adaptation to Climate Change_Asia-Pacific Adaptation Forum, 27 & 28 October 2011, Bangkok, Thailand
Dear Journalists,
Greetings from the Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum 2011 Organizers.
It is with pleasure we inform you about the CALL FOR ENTRIES for you to tell an exciting story of adaptation to climate change and WIN AN AWARD. The winners will be invited to the Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum 2011 to be held on 27 & 28 October 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand. Please visit the website for more information on the competition and for the registration process>> http://www.asiapacificadapt.
For any clarification, pls send an e-mail to
Aug 3, 2011
6-in-1 Educational Solar Kit
The model pieces snap together easily and the directions are straightforward. The motor was made from a simple gear and the solar panel was pretty sturdy compared to the other plastic pieces. Each model worked fine as long as the wires were attached correctly. My friend thought that the wires should have had little handles on the end, similar to those on jumper cables, so they were easier to handle and stayed in place better. It’s just that the wires were easily displaced, which was done many times at our house with all the little fingers eager to see how each model worked. It was hard for us as well since the pieces are so small and thin wires had to be pushed into a small crack in the side of the gear box.
But all in all we were pleased with the results, the experience and education that it provided our whole family. An additional plus is that the kit is totally reusable and may be re-assembled into its different variations many times over, if none of the parts get lost!
The kit retails for IDR100k and may be purchased here, by sending mail to
Jul 27, 2011
Rainforest Alliance Agriculture Auditing Services Coordinator, Asia Pacific
Advertised: 15-7-11 | Closing Date: 14-8-11
Position Summary:
The Rainforest Alliance Agriculture Auditing Services Coordinator, Asia Pacific, will provide coordination and oversight in the implementation of Rainforest Alliance agriculture auditing services in the region, with a primary focus on Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, China, the Pacific Islands and the Philippines. S/he will provide assistance to the Associate Regional Manager to expand the Rainforest Alliance agriculture auditing services in the region.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Develop and implement a regional strategy for client, area and certified volume targets for certification in Asia Pacific with theAssociate Regional Manager and the Sustainable Agriculture Division
- Facilitate the execution of agriculture assessments and audits in the Asia-Pacific Region to include budgeting, service contracts, team identification, logistical planning, support to consultants, report review, liaise with clients and finalize reports for approval
- Develop and implement audit schedules and ensure timely and efficient completion of audits
- Ensure efficiency, quality control and adherence to appropriate agriculture technical and administration certification protocols for all jobs directly under his/her responsibilities
- Recruit and manage qualified consultants and auditors and provide for their training, including cooperation with auditing bodies in the region
- Ensure that invoices are issued for all activities related to auditing in region and follow up on pending payments.
- Provide monthly expense and progress reports to the Associate Regional Manager, including tracking of payments from clients and tracking of invoices from consultants/auditors
- Act as lead auditor on selected audits, incorporating and evaluating trainee auditors
- Provide first response to complaints and disputes related to audits
- Provide input for agriculture certification policy development and technical improvements to the certification system
- Supervise the Customer Service Associate for Asia Pacific and Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
- Bachelor's Degree in agronomy or related field
- 3-5 years of agriculture sector experience in Indonesia
- Must be familiar with agricultural certification, supply chains, agriculture production and activities both large-scale and small-scale
- Proven ability to work effectively in cross-cultural situations
- Excellent computer skills (MS Office and Internet)
- Familiarity with certification/verification issues and systems, involving agriculture and scale producers preferred
- Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English, verbal communication in Indonesian, written skills in Indonesian preferred, other Asia Pacific languages are an advantage
- Must have strong planning, analytical, and client relationship management skills, with ability to juggle multiple activities simultaneously while adhering to deadlines
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Proven ability to work effectively in cross-cultural situations
- Willingness and ability to travel extensively in Indonesia and other countries in South East Asia up to 40% of the time and to spend significant periods in rural areas.
To apply : Send resume, cover letter & salary history to
Griya Alamanda Blok No. 17, Jl. Kapten Cok Agung Tresna
Denpasar 80234
or by email to
Only candidates authorized to work in Indonesia will be considered for this role
The Rainforest Alliance is an equal opportunity employer
Jun 15, 2011
- Develop your leadership potential through team projects, personal reflection, physical activities, deep discussion and the arts.
- Explore the underlying causes of global problems, and develop a social entrepreneurial approach.
- Identify your values and guiding principles in order to gain a clearer sense of balance, purpose and life direction.
- Develop an international network of friends and peers who wish to collaborate and make a positive difference.
- Increase your understanding of the influence of and relationship between individuals, local NGOs and international organisations such as the United Nations.
`WYSE offers people the chance to explore themselves and their potential in an environment suffused with support, wisdom, and key information for personal growth' (Morgan, New Zealand)
`WYSE is a gift, accept it and cherish it. It will help you grow into the best person that you can become' (Hyatt, Kuwait)
`WYSE is an unforgettable experience where culture/religion/nationalities merge to create an ideal learning environment.' (Neville, Malta)
`WYSE offers an opportunity to get to know yourself and what you want your life purpose to be in a loving, supportive and playful environment' (Daniel, UK)
Rainforest Alliance Agriculture Auditing Services Coordinator, Asia Pacific
Position Summary:
The Rainforest Alliance Agriculture Auditing Services Coordinator, Asia Pacific, will provide coordination and oversight in the implementation of Rainforest Alliance agriculture auditing services in the region, with a primary focus on Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, China, the Pacific Islands and the Philippines. S/he will provide assistance to the Associate Regional Manager to expand the Rainforest Alliance agriculture auditing services in the region.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Develop and implement a regional strategy for client, area and certified volume targets for certification in Asia Pacific with theAssociate Regional Manager and the Sustainable Agriculture Division
- Facilitate the execution of agriculture assessments and audits in the Asia-Pacific Region to include budgeting, service contracts, team identification, logistical planning, support to consultants, report review, liaise with clients and finalize reports for approval
- Develop and implement audit schedules and ensure timely and efficient completion of audits
- Ensure efficiency, quality control and adherence to appropriate agriculture technical and administration certification protocols for all jobs directly under his/her responsibilities
- Recruit and manage qualified consultants and auditors and provide for their training, including cooperation with auditing bodies in the region
- Ensure that invoices are issued for all activities related to auditing in region and follow up on pending payments.
- Provide monthly expense and progress reports to the Associate Regional Manager, including tracking of payments from clients and tracking of invoices from consultants/auditors
- Act as lead auditor on selected audits, incorporating and evaluating trainee auditors
- Provide first response to complaints and disputes related to audits
- Provide input for agriculture certification policy development and technical improvements to the certification system
- Supervise the Customer Service Associate for Asia Pacific and Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
- Bachelor's Degree in agronomy or related field
- 3-5 years of agriculture sector experience in Indonesia
- Must be familiar with agricultural certification, supply chains, agriculture production andprocessing activities both large-scale and small-scale
- Proven ability to work effectively in cross-cultural situations
- Excellent computer skills (MS Office and Internet)
- Familiarity with certification/verification issues and systems, involving agriculture andsmall-scale producers preferred
- Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English, verbal communicationskills in Indonesian, written skills in Indonesian preferred, other Asia Pacific languages are an advantage
- Must have strong planning, analytical, and client relationship management skills, with ability to juggle multiple activities simultaneously while adhering to deadlines
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Proven ability to work effectively in cross-cultural situations
- Willingness and ability to travel extensively in Indonesia and other countries in South East Asia up to 40% of the time and to spend significant periods in rural areas.
To apply: Send resume, cover letter & salary history to
PT Rainforest Alliance
Griya Alamanda Blok No. 17, Jl. Kapten Cok Agung Tresna Denpasar 80234
or by email to
Only candidates authorized to work in Indonesia will be considered for this role
The Rainforest Alliance is an equal opportunity employer
Jun 14, 2011
Australia Development Scholarships 2011/2012
Scholarships have played a significant role in Australia's development cooperation program in Indonesia, with around 11,000 scholarships provided over more than 50 years. ADS continues to be a major component of the program with up to 400 scholarships offered in 2011.
The off-shore component of the ADS Program is managed by IDP through an IDP established ADS Project Office in Jakarta to ensure efficient end effective administration of the ADS scheme in Indonesia.
Each year, the Australian Government sponsors people from a number of developing countries to study in Australia through Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). The Australian Development Scholarship program in Indonesia aims to promote private and public sector human resource development in areas of agreed development priority.
This is achieved by providing post-graduate scholarships for Indonesians to study in Australia and by working in close cooperation with the Indonesian Government to deliver a program which is flexible to Indonesia's human resource development needs.
Consistent with the principles of AusAID's education and training policy (August 1996), the ADS program is implemented to ensure: quality (of project personnel, fellows and procedures); transparency (of selection); equity and merit (in the awarding of fellowships); access (of beneficiaries to scholarship documentation and information); and consistency (in award administration).
ADS 2011/2012 Application Round
Opens on 6 June and closes on 26 August 2011
(No online application is available for ADS Indonesia. All applicants must submit hard copy application to Australia Awards Office)
ADS 2011/2012 Brochure Download here
ADS 2011/2012 Application Form Download here
ADS 2011 Interactive CD-ROM Request here
ADS Handbook March 2011 Download here
Jun 7, 2011
Researcher in Vietnam Green Building Council
To meet the above aims, our primary objectives which you could get involved in are to:
- Develop a set of green building tools – LOTUS Rating Tools
- Define and implementing an Official Green Consultant training and exam program (LOTUS Accredited Professional)
- Create a Green Database (products and services)
- Continue long-term research on climate change resilience for the building environment
- Strengthen ties with academia, government and private sector partners
- Enhance awareness of green building practice through workshops and online resources
This is a fantastic opportunity to gain hands on practical experience within a fast growing and interesting INGO. For more information on where you could work with the VGBC, please access our online resources.
Applicants should have completed their undergraduate degree in a related subject.
To apply please jump onto our website and apply using the Volunteer and Internship Form.
Contact name: Trieu Kieu van
Contact telephone: +84 4 3629 1107
Contact email:
Jun 6, 2011
3D Laser Mapping for Indonesian Forestry
Hotel Bumi Karsa & Birawa Assembly Hall
Komplek Bidakara
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 71-73
Pancoran - Jakarta, 12870
Credent Technology (Asia) Pte Ltd, in conjunction with PT Credent Teknologi, is bringing together an exciting group of speakers and will host a seminar focused on the application and use of airborne LiDAR technology, imagery, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Indonesian forestry. Presentation topics include forest production, forest conservation, and plantation development and management. To address the diverse audience of attendees, the seminar will be comprised of two 1/2 day seminars, with the morning focused on an introduction to LiDAR for forestry, REDD, forest conservation and the utilzation of Esri's ArcGIS and LiDAR. The afternoon sessions will focus on the benefits of LiDAR and other data to assist forest concessionaires (RIL & FSC) develop better harvest plans and plantation development on degraded forest lands. An additional presentation is planned on the process, considerations and costs of acquiring an aerial LiDAR survey. Attendees can attend the morning session only, just the afternoon session, or both. Lunch will be served and the event is free for attendees.
Registration on
May 25, 2011
Moving Planet: A Day to Move Beyond Fossil Fuels
May 20, 2011
SBY Signs Decree on 2-Year Deforestation Moratorium
May 10, 2011
Ornithologist - Indonesia
Salary : Voluntary
Location : Buton
Hours : Full Time
Position type : Volunteer
Contract : Temporary
Closing date : Fri 20 May 11
Website :
Contact name : Alison Darlington
Contact telephone: 01790 763194
Contact email :
Operation Wallacea is currently accepting applications from enthusiastic and experienced Ornithologists to join their survey teams in Buton, Indonesia for their 2011 field season between June and August. These teams will contribute data towards a long-term monitoring study of the biodiversity using a standardised protocol. The survey teams operate out of camps assisted by student volunteers. This is an opportunity to contribute towards a valuable conservation management study and also to publications arising from data collected.
Applicants need to have experience of survey methodologies for bird species. They should be able to develop a good knowledge of Wallacea bird species and calls. Evidence of leadership skills and an ability to work in remote areas as part of a team are also required.
To apply please send a copy of your CV.
Please mention when responding to this ad.
May 8, 2011
A Simple Timber Cruising Template

A template to be used with MicroSoft Excel
Not for resale
Mr. Spinger can be contacted for technical assistance at You should be advised that Mr. Springer makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of this program and should be used only for quick estimates - not for a detailed inventory. It is designed to use in the Southern United States but can be converted to use in other areas of North America.
You must have Microsoft Excel to run the template.
INSTRUCTIONS: First, print a copy of an "empty" Tree Tally Sheet and use as your field recording sheet. Enter hand recorded cruise inventory data on the Tree Tally Sheet page/tab.
Use TAB to view information field by field. All other pages will be automatically completed as you fill out data on the Tree Tally Sheet. This spreadsheet is write protected and you cannot change any fields other than those with yellow shading.
TAB 1 - Tree Tally Sheet - You must manually enter acreage, tree heights and diameters by species, and number of plots on this sheet.
TAB 2 - Trees Per Acre - Automatically records the number of trees per acre based on your choice of cruise design (10 BAF Prism; 1/5th acre; 1/10th acre; 100% measure).
TAB 3 - Basal Area Per Acre - Automatically records the basal area per acre (only when using 10 BAF Prism cruise design).
TAB 4 - Volume Per Tree - Volumes assigned to each tree for blow-up.
TAB 5 - Volumes Per Acre - Automatically records blown-up total volumes by species, by diameter and height, and by merchantability class.
TAB 6 - Unit Rates - Tree prices are assigned to each tree for blow-up (changable in yellow shaded area).
TAB 7 - Values - Automatically estimates tree values based on unit rates assigned.
May 7, 2011
i-Tree: Strengthen Your Urban Forest Management
Since the initial release of the i-Tree Tools in August 2006, numerous communities, non-profit organizations, consultants, volunteers and students have used i-Tree to report on individual trees, parcels, neighborhoods, cities, and even entire states. By understanding the local, tangible ecosystem services that trees provide, i-Tree users can link urban forest management activities with environmental quality and community livability. Whether your interest is a single tree or an entire forest, i-Tree provides baseline data that you can use to demonstrate value and set priorities for more effective decision-making.
i-Tree Tools are in the public domain and are freely accessible. We invite you to explore to learn more about how i-Tree can make a difference in your community.
May 4, 2011
CIFOR: Photo and Video Editor is Needed
- Edit videos (including conceptualizing stories and writing scripts) and upload them to Youtube.
- Manage CIFOR’s photo librabry: Select, edit and upload photographs to Flickr.
- Work with web and print publishing teams to provide photographs and video for publications and websites.
- Maintain and manage all photo and video equipment.
- Assist with photo and video shooting when required.
Skills required
- Extensive experience photo editing (Aperture, Photoshop).
- Extensive experience video editing (Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premier).
- Experience using YouTube, Flickr and other online content platforms.
- Previous experience shooting photos and video an advantage.
- Fluent English speaker and writer.
CIFOR is located in Bogor and the successful candidate must be willing and capable of traveling to the office each day. Initial engagement will be for six months – and this may be renewed depending on the need.
Please send you CV and show reel (if you have one) to Budhy Kristanty at