Aug 17, 2010

Organisation / Philippine Spotted Deer Conservation Foundation
Reference / 2011 Critical Habitat program
Location / Panay Island
Position Type / Volunteer/Temporary
Part/Full Time / Full Time
Closing Date / 15 Sep 10
Website /
Contact / Renee Galang
Contact Email /

Philippine Spotted Deer Conservation Foundation is a self funded organisation based in Melbourne Australia and operates in Panay and surrounding Islands in the Philippines. The 2011 program is still being developed and it is promising to be a spectacular program. This is becuase the local government including DENR have asked PSCDF to assist in the proclamation process of the northern section of the central Panay mountain ranges to become a protected area or "Critical Habitat" as part of the Philippine Wildlife Act 2001 for the many threatened species living in this jungle including the critically threatened Philippine Spotted Deer. This is the same area where PSDCF jungle fieldwork is being performed and where Rafflesia lobata was discovered. PSDCF has been very proactive in trying to convince since 2004 the local government and DENR to protect this jungle because it is still very wild and has large population of the Spotted Deer, Visayan warty pig, Whritted-Billed hornbill, Tarrictic hornbill, Varanus mabitang (very large monitor lizard), Panay cloudrat and now Rafflesia lobata. All these species excluding the Rafflesia are threatened species. The hard work of PSDCF including its volunteers is continuing to produce valuable result. When this new "Critical Habitat" protected area is finally approved by the Philippine congress and signed by the current Philippine president in 2011 or 2012 then this will become a spectacular achievement by the PSDCF and its volunteers.

PSDCF is seeking expressions of interest for volunteers that would assist in the fieldwork and other activities for the fieldwork stage of the proclamation process of the new protected area. From aspiring conservationist to zoologist, botanist to even photographer/videographer etc are encouraged to email Renee Galang. Once the final program has been designed and dates established (very soon) Renee will contact everyone to offer volunteer placement. The fieldwork program will most likely start in January and end in May 31. Maximum of 7 volunteers at any given time with a minimum stay of 2 weeks. Please visit the website for a view of the previous volunteer program and further information on PSDCF. Do not hesitate to email Renee for further information.

Volunteers will experience real hands on conservation work and live amongst local fishing communities in Panay and numerous small tropical islands. Each volunteer will require to contribute AUS$200.00 per week to cover his/her consumables, porter and guides, accommodation and transport needs. For more information please visit and email Renee on

Aug 16, 2010

FELLOWSHIP: Southeast Asia Fellowship Program Fall 2011 East-West Center in Washington

Source: East West Center - August 13, 2010

The East-West Center in Washington (EWCW) is accepting applications from scholars and analysts who wish to undertake policy-relevant research and writing in one of the following areas:
  • International relations of Southeast Asia.
  • Political change in Southeast Asia.
  • ASEAN integration and community-building efforts.

The fellowship finances a three-month residence at the East-West Center in Washington, D.C. While in residence in Washington the fellows will complete an article or monograph to be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed publication, such as the East-West Center’s Asia Pacific Bulletin series or Asia Pacific Issues series. The first full draft of the manuscript should be completed before the end of the residency period. Fellows will also give a public presentation on their topic.

Fellowships will include a monthly stipend of US$2,500 to $4,500 (dependent upon experience) while in residence at EWC in Washington and round trip airfare to Washington, D.C. Residency at the Center will start in September 2011. Additionally, at the discretion of the Director, a small grant to cover field research, in Asia only, may be available. Fieldwork in the region will be completed prior to residence at the East-West Center in Washington.

Applicants with or without a Ph.D. will be considered. Applicants without a Ph.D. will be considered based on their relevant professional experience. Applicants must be nationals of a country within the scope of their Fellowship or the United States and eligible to receive a fellowship stipend. Successful applications will include a completed fellowship application form, cover letter, a full CV, two letters of reference, and a policy-relevant research proposal of ten pages (double spaced). The proposal should discuss the policy problem or issue to be examined, tentative hypothesis and arguments, a review and short bibliography of the relevant literature, plans for fieldwork (if any), and project time frame. If field research funds are sought, please briefly explain why and how they are to be used. All materials must be received by October 15, 2010, at:

Southeast Asia Fellowship Program
East-West Center in Washington
1819 L St., N.W., 2nd Floor
Washington, D.C. 20036-3866

Applicants will be notified of selection decisions on or before December 20, 2010.

Download the application form to apply. Application materials, including reference letters, can be sent to Reference letters can be sent via email or post, by the writer or applicant. To send large files, or if you have trouble emailing files, use this link: upload files.

For more information please email:

The III International Seminar on Tourism and Spatial Planning

The III International Seminar on Tourism and Spatial Planning (TPT.10) explores the topic “Waterworlds: tourism development, conflicts and sustainability”, focusing on the interplay between tourism and water issues, reflections on policies.

11 to 12 November 2010
Lisbon, Portugal

Organized by: Centre for Geographical Studies, IGOT, University of Lisbon
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: Not available.

Check the event website for latest details.

Jul 28, 2010

Volunteering and Internship Opportunities in Africa

Wildlife Research Volunteers

BRinK - Biological Research in Kuzikus
Namibia, Africa
Full Time
13 Aug 10
Joana Nunes /


BRinK is looking for research volunteers to work with a team of qualified zoologists to perform baseline field research, monitoring and documenting different areas of biology and ecology in Kuzikus Wildlife Reserve. Kuzikus is a 10,000ha reserve in the Kalahari Desert with red sand, savannah, salt pans, grass dune and waterholes providing various habitats for diverse flora and fauna.

There are four 4-week projects available, with full training, research equipment, transfers, accommodation and food included.


• Large mammal abundance and habitat distribution
• Animal tracking methods and uses in surveying


• Reptile surveying, identification and habitat differences
• Collect and display diverse arthropod specimens

To apply fill in an application form online and submit a method proposal (your suggested method to meet the aims of the project you have selected).

Closing date for applications: 13th August 2010.

This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience of field work techniques, equipment, data analysis, report writing, public presentations and local conservation practice.

What you will experience:

• live in a bushcamp, in a small community close to nature, using renewable energy
• go on daily research trips out to the veldt
• learn tracking skills & bush behavior
• get close to and learn about African wildlife
• understand ecosystem management

For more information see or contact


Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Conservation Internship x4

Community Centred Conservation (C3)
Madagascar and Comoros
Volunteer/Fixed Term Contract
Full Time
30 Nov 10
Patricia Davis /


Following 5 years of highly successful community-driven marine resource management initiatives in the Indian Ocean Islands, C3 has developed a strong regional network of projects and now has four positions available for interns to work on an international placement at both our Comoros and Madagascar offices. This will provide a unique opportunity to gain insight into the reality of coastal and marine biodiversity management in two contrasting developing island nations. With the chance for hands-on socio-economic and ecological field research, capacity-building for local partner institutions, design and implementation of social marketing campaigns and a chance for keen writers to publish research findings, this internship provides a well-rounded and practical experience perfect for building a career in international marine conservation.

Candidates should send in a CV and brief cover letter to Patricia Davis :

Limited places are available from July 2010, year-round. See for more details and please read the Internship Brief before applying.

Financial assistance may be available for applicants with sea turtle monitoring experience.

Jul 23, 2010

Online Discussion on Forestry Finance, REDD and the Carbon Market

Investing in forestry and timber assets is nothing new. But the possibility of generating carbon credits by reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) has triggered a dramatic increase in investor interest.

To help you understand what kind of projects are currently being undertaken, the potential to use the credits as voluntary offsets or for compliance in mandatory emission reduction regimes, and the risks involved, Environmental Finance Events invites you to participate in Forestry Finance, REDD & the Carbon Market webinar on 6 August. 

Our panel of expert speakers will explain and discuss the most pressing issues in this fast moving area, including:

Malaysia to Punish Wildlife Poachers More Severely

Posted date: 21 July 2010

Poachers and smugglers of endangered animals in Malaysia now face tens of thousands of dollars in fines and mandatory jail time following the passage of a new law that activists said Wednesday was key to repairing the country's reputation as a hub for the illegal trade.

Malaysia's large swaths of jungle are home to many protected species such as the Malayan tiger, Sumatran rhinoceros and

When Climate Change Becomes a Health Issue, Are People More Likely to Listen?

By: Edward W Maibach
Source: ScienceDaily
Posted date: 20 July 2010

Framing climate change as a public health problem seems to make the issue more relevant, significant and understandable to members of the public -- even some who don't generally believe climate change is happening, according to preliminary research by George Mason University's Center for Climate Change Communication (4C).
The center recently conducted an exploratory study in the United States of people's reactions to a public health-framed short essay on climate

Jul 22, 2010

International Graduate Conference on Climate Change and People

International Graduate Conference on Climate Change and People
15-19 November 2010, Kathmandu, NEPAL
The projected impacts of climate change - many of which are potentially irreversible - will affect everyone on the Earth. The deterioration of the earth’s ecosystems will jeopardize human health; precipitation patterns; water and food supplies; energy supplies; and the integrity of natural systems. Calling for unified global action against climate change, The Small Earth Nepal and the Consortium for Capacity Building (University of Colorado) are organizing a regionally-focused International Graduate Conference on Climate Change and People. The event is set in collaboration with the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Government of Nepal; the Centre of Research for Environment Energy and Water (Nepal), the Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) and the International Research Center for River Basin Environment, University of Yamanashi (Japan). The goal of the conference is to bring together various scholars, graduate students and climate change practitioners to equip and mobilize Young Minds on climate change and related societal issues. The conference is supported by Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) under the CAPaBLE Program. The conference is also co-sponsored by UNESCO. Additional sponsors are welcome to join.
The conference is mainly focused on the multidisciplinary capacity building of graduate students and scientists in various disciplines. The event will feature the sharing of knowledge and experience by experts and participants on “Climate Affairs”, from climate-related science to impacts to policy & economics to ethics & equity. Climate Affairs is a concept which aims to enhance the “eco-generation” of climate leaders and climate agents in their respective academic and practical areas of concern.
The Conference activities concentrate to provide the following:
  • To build the awareness and scientific capacity of young students from multiple disciplines while fostering and enhancing networks for sustainable development options in the region.
  • To equip graduate students with usable knowledge on the importance of multidisciplinary activities in addressing climate change, regardless of their home academic discipline.
  • To enable participants to formulate a multinational networking group to develop baseline skills needed to understand climate change mitigation, adaptation and prevention measures.
  • To create awareness among community and social leaders for identifying their roles in effective ways to combat the influences of a changing climate.

How to Apply? Apply by email with letter of interest and detailed CV. Interested undergraduates may also inquire about the conference by email.

Deadline: The Submission of Application is due on 15 September 2010.

Selection of Participants: Expression Email or Letter of Interest and Commitment Level.

Registration Fees: US$ 100 for SAARC Country citizens and participants from other developing countries from Greater South Asia (e.g., Central and Southwest Asia to Myanmar). For participants from developed countries in Asia-Pacific and beyond, the fee is US$ 150.

Funding: Partial or full funding may be available to the selected participants from developing countries.

Further details, please contact:            
Michael Glantz at
Dhiraj Pradhananga at

Jul 15, 2010

How to Manage Forest under Robust and Fragile Environments?

International Forestry Conference and Opportunities for REDD+ Developers

Source: Mailist – July 15th, 2010

International Conference on Managing Forest Resources for Multiple Ecosystem Services under Robust and Fragile Environments

Date: 9-10 August 2010
Venue: Sunway Hotel Phnom Penh
Fieldwork: 11-12 August 2010

Main Organizers
Risk Analysis Research Center (RARC), the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM)
Graduate School of Applied Informatics (GSAI), University of Hyogo
FORMATH Research Group
Forestry Administration (FA), Cambodia
Ecosystem Adaptability Global COE, Tohoku University
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
Keynote Speakers:
H.E. TY Sokhun, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
H.E. Dr. CHHENG Kimsun, Director General of Forestry Administration
H.E. Prof. LAV Chhiv Eav, RUPP Rector

Number of participants: 100 people MAXIMUM. Priority is given to participants based in Cambodia or in its neighboring countries. You will be acknowledged whether or not you are accepted for the conference.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT: NO financial support is provided. Inquiries about financial support will not be answered.
Link to conference website and registration

International Environmental Employment Opportunities

Conservation Volunteers - World Conservation Programs - International | Volunteer | due by 31/07/2010

Conservation Volunteers - World Conservation Programs - International | Volunteer | due by 31/07/2010

Conservation Volunteers - World Conservation Programs - International | Volunteer | due by 31/07/2010

Andean Bear Foundation - International | Voluntary post. | due by 31/07/2010 
Global Vision International - Australia | International | Volunteer | due by 31/12/2011 

Global Vision International - Australia | International | Volunteer | due by 31/12/2011 

Global Vision International - Australia | International | Volunteer | due by 31/12/2011
Global Vision International - International | Volunteer | due by 31/12/2011
Andean Bear Foundation - International | None - volunteer position | due by 31/07/2010

Jun 27, 2010

International Workshop on Orangutan Conservation

Event. The Indonesian Ministry of Forestry’s Nature Conservation and Forest Protection Agency (PHKA), in cooperation with the Indonesian Orangutan Forum (FORINA), has organized the International Workshop on Orangutan Conservation (IWOC) to be held at the Sanur Beach Hotel in Bali on July 15 and 16, 2010. The event, supported of the USAID Orangutan Conservation Services Program (OCSP) and 16 conservation organizations in Indonesia, will focus around the theme “What does the future hold for the man of the forest?”

Background.Orangutans are Asia’s only great ape and are icons of Indonesia’s wondrous lowland rainforest. Found only on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, orangutans are classified as endangered and are protected by Indonesian law. However, the development of forest resources, which assists Indonesia to achieve economic development, places the forests where orangutans live under threat. The rapid rate of deforestation that has resulted over the past 20 years has come at a great cost to orangutans. In 2007, orangutan conservationists and scientists, government officials, community members and private sector representatives initiated a process of working together to seek viable solutions to ensure the orangutan’s continued survival amidst Indonesia’s drive for economic development. This resulted in the formalization of the Ministry of Forestry’s National Strategy and Action Plan for Orangutan Conservation. The National Action Plan, announced by the Indonesian President at the Bali Climate Conference, is a multi‐stakeholder conservation strategy that incorporates public, private, and local interests, and finds common ground in orangutan conservation among stakeholders with various interests. The IWOC will build upon the multistakeholder process that resulted in the National Action Plan by again bringing together representatives of key groups and seek collaboration in ensuring a secure future for the orangutan in Indonesia.

Participants.It is expected that one hundred and fifty to two hundred individuals from a range of organizations will take part in the work shop. Participants will represent local and international conservation organizations, private companies, bilateral and multilateral organizations, research institutions and the Indonesian government. Senior officials of the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry and the United States Embassy are also expected to attend the workshop. Miss Indonesia 2008 and current Orangutan Goodwill Ambassador, Zivanna Letisha Siregar, will serve as master of ceremonies.

Workshop Objective.The workshop aims to create a road map for increased participation and collaboration by scientists, conservationists, government agencies, private companies, and local communities in orangutan conservation, and to detail specific action they will take individually and collectively to help save Asia’s only great ape.

Program.The workshop will be opened by the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry. This will be followed by a brief review of current issues and workshop aims by Professor Bungaran Saragih, a former Minister of Agriculture and Forestry and current Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. The first day will continue with four plenary sessions, on policy revisions (presented by the National Forestry Council – DKN), sustainable financing (KEHATI –the Indonesia Biodiversity Foundation), research to improve orangutan habitat management (Professor Carel van Schaik of Zurich University), and the rehabilitation and release of orangutan into the wild by 2015 (Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation and PanEco‐SOCP). These topics will be discussed further in breakout sessions during the afternoon. On the second day, four stakeholder forums consisting of government, NGOs, the private sector, and researchers and supporters will discuss current conservation issues and develop recommendations to support the long‐term survival of the orangutan. They will present these recommendations at the final plenary session, to be conveyed to the Ministry of Forestry and FORINA at the workshop close. Displays. The event will also feature displays by conservation organizations and private companies that showcase their innovative projects and activities to save the orangutan and its habitat.


The Indonesian Orangutan Forum (FORINA) was established to act as the catalyst to take the 2007 National Strategy and Action Plan for Orangutan Conservation from concept to implementation. As a central local coordinating body for orangutan conservation in Indonesia, FORINA encourages cooperation among the numerous stakeholders whose actions impact orangutan survival. FORINA has also been set up to communicate conservation successes and challenges to national and international audiences, and establish linkages to support orangutan conservation programs both within Indonesia and globally. The International Workshop on Orangutan Conservation is supported by OCSP‐USAID, PERHAPPI, WWF Indonesia, FFI Indonesia, WCS Indonesia, CI Indonesia, TNC Indonesia, PanEco‐YEL, FZS, BOSF, OFI, OF‐UK, YAYORIN, GRASP, UNESCO, SOS‐OIC, YLI

For more information about this event and USAID‐OCSP’s work to save Indonesian orangutans, please contact Mika Maharani GC, OCSP Communication Manager, at, or visit the OCSP website:

Jun 24, 2010

Leave Nothing But Footprints

The Jakarta Post -- WEEKENDER | Sun, 11/23/2008 3:31 PM |

You’ve gone over the list countless times. Will it be a shamelessly self-indulgent R&R weekend in Legian? Or a slightly more adventurous journey into the highlands of Tana Toraja? There’s also that Mt. Bromo trip your spouse keeps pestering you about. Hmmm ... Settle for Orchard Road? Ubaidillah Syohih trains his green binoculars on your next holiday destination.

Holidays are a time to bond and spend some leisurely time with your loved ones or friends. At the planning stage, when half a dozen ideas on where to head off to are floating around, holidays also do a very good job of fraying nerves. So before the Lonely Planet guides and maps start flying across the room, here are some things to keep in mind.

In a country such as Indonesia, with its seemingly endless range of awesome destinations, you will always be spoiled for choice. Hundreds of volcanoes to climb, rainforests to trek, waves to surf, reefs to explore, beaches to roast on, more than 250 ethnic groups with 350 local languages to discover ... There’s something for everyone. But regardless of the destination, with every additional dive down the reef wall or every new bungalow, the destination loses a little something.

It’s not just a piece of coral that is inadvertently broken during a dive, or a small food wrapper that gets caught in the wind and ends up decorating the forest. The aggregate impact of our holiday, from transportation (emissions, traffic) to the hotel we’re staying at (energy and water use), can damage the prospects of a holiday destination to sustain tourists over the long term. Indonesia may need visitors, but it also needs them to tread lightly and respectfully. With people from all over the world traveling to the archipelago to witness nature at its creative best, there’s only one way to safeguard these destinations: responsible tourism.

Now you may have heard about ecotourism, also known as ecological tourism, a catchall term that has been eagerly appended to many a hotel and resort name. At best, this is a form of responsible tourism that appeals to ecologically and socially conscious individuals. It typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. At worst, it is a hotel called “Bunga Ecotourism Resort” whose claim to sustainability is limited to a glossy brochure flaunting the natural merits of the area.

How can we select a rewarding holiday destination without leaving a trail of destruction in our wake?

1. Decide on what kind of holiday you are after – will it be backpacking or operator-tour style?
2. If you go for the tour operator, ask where your money is going or find out by yourself – staying in locally owned accommodation benefits local families.
3. In choosing your activities at the destination, go for environmentally friendly activities that contribute to the local economy and protect nature and culture.
4. Small gifts from home can be a great way to say thank you to your hosts – think about what might be of most use to the local community.
Review your options:

Before you bounce out the door, there are a few things that need to be taken care of.
1. Make sure that all electric appliances are switched off, and that there are no leaks.
2. If you are going on vacation with your own vehicle, make sure that it is well maintained so you don’t pollute the places you visit. It would be better if you used public transportation, such as a bus or train, to reach your destination.

Only a few hotels in Indonesia are managed in an environmentally friendly way, so it’s up to you to do your bit.
1. In many remote places around Indonesia, fresh water is scarce. Keep this in mind when you wash, and keep those showers short.
2. Towels can be used for at least two days without being washed, to reduce energy and water used to clean them.
3. Remember to switch off lights and air conditioning when you leave the room to reduce energy use.
4. Of course, never buy products made from marine turtles and insist on eating locally caught fish.
5. You can also encourage the hotel by presenting the manager with a list of environmental tips for green hotels. If your hotel or homestay prides itself as an ecotourism facility, make sure you ask them why and how.

More tips at


You have probably heard this well-known phrase. By killing nothing but time and by taking nothing but pictures, you protect the environment and wildlife. And by leaving nothing but footprints, you make a positive impact on local communities, such as preventing the loss of culture.

Jun 23, 2010

Environmental Jobs

Jun 22, 2010

Environment Jobs

International Programs and Membership Assistant, Friends of the Earth International, Amsterdam
Leader, Global Climate and Energy Initiative, WWF International, One of the key WWF network offices, Highly competitive salary package
Systems & Network Engineer, Greenpeace International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ranger - Deer Grazing Project, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Pirbright, £22,000 - £25,000 pa
ARCH - Project and Communications Co-ordinator, Kent County Council, Maidstone, Kent, Starting salary £30,220
Assistant Warden, RSPB, Mid Yare Reserve, Norfolk, £14,000 - £16,000 pa
Kelvingrove Information Officer, RSPB, Glasgow, £15,000 - £16,500 pa
Biodiversity Management Planning Project Officer, Tristan da Cunha, RSPB, Tristan da Cunha, £18,000 - £24,000 pa
Head of Product Marketing - Maternity Cover, Woodland Trust, Grantham, Lincolnshire, £35,000 - £40,000 pa
Funding Officer, Devon Wildlife Trust, Exeter, £19,401 pro rata plus 5% pension
Project Warden, Life + Nature, The National Trust, Orford Ness, Suffolk, £17,260 pa
Community Development Officer (Community Engagement Officer), Durham County Council, Co. Durham, £22,221 - £23,708
Programme Development Officer (Landscape Partnership Manager), Durham County Council, Co. Durham, £27,052 - £28,636
Marketing & Adminstration Assistant, Northumberland Wildlife Trust, Northumberland, £14,548 plus pension contribution
Marketing Officer, Northumberland Wildlife Trust, Northumberland, £24,062 plus pension contribution
People & Wildlife Manager, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Surrey, £25,000 - £30,000 pa
Visitor Engagement and Conservation Manager, The National Trust, Lyveden New Bield, Oundle, Peterborough, £22,057
Farm Conservation Adviser, Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group Ltd, Suffolk, £19,426 - £22,777
Conservation Trainee, Community Team (Berkshire), Berks Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust, Based near Maidenhead, Berkshire , -
Work Week Volunteer, Borders Environmental Education Services, Northumberland , -
Volunteer Gardener, The National Trust, Castle Drogo, North Dartmoor, Devon , -
SRLI Research Intern x2, Institute of Zoology, London , -
Volunteer Officer - Torquay, BTCV, Torquay , -
Exeter Youth Group Volunteer Officer, BTCV Devon, Exeter , -
Volunteer Film Editor, Embrace Cooperation Ltd, Brixton , -
Volunteer Trainee Nature Reserve Warden x4, Kent Wildlife Trust, Various sites in Mid & West Kent , -
Volunteer Planning and Policy Assistant, Avon Wildlife Trust, Bristol , -
Volunteer Placement in Island Ecology Research and Conservation, Archipelagos (Ikaria, Greece), Ikaria, NE Aegean, Greece , -
Volunteer GIS Analyst(s) for Terrestrial and Marine Ecology Research, Archipelagos (Ikaria, Greece), Ikaria, NE Aegean, Greece , -
Mammals on Roads Survey Volunteers, People's Trust for Endangered Species, UK Wide , -
Volunteer Warden/Gardener, The National Trust, Dyrham Park, near Bath , -
Conservation Work Week Volunteer, Trees for Life, Highlands , -


Jun 20, 2010

International Academic Conference on 'Global Land Grabbing'


International Academic Conference on 'Global Land Grabbing’
6-8 April 2011

Co-organized and hosted by the Future Agricultures Consortium Institute of Development Studies(IDS), University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

The Journal of Peasant Studies, in collaboration with the Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI) is organizing an international academic workshop on ‘Global Land Grabbing’ to be held on 6-8 April 2011 at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

The focus of the conference will be on the politics of global land grabbing and agrarian change. Papers are expected to address some of the most urgent and strategic questions around global land grab.

The deadline for Call for Papers is 31 October 2010
Download the details about submissions:

For information about the Journal of Peasant Studies, click:

For information about LDPI, click:

via:rimbawan-interaktif mailing list

Jun 13, 2010

World Cup 2010 Carbon Footprint Will Be Whopping 6x That of Last Event

by Yuka Yoneda, 06/11/10

According to a startling infographic made for EU Infrastructure and a report by the Norwegian Embassy, the carbon footprint of this year’s World Cup in South Africa will be a whopping 6 times that of the last competition that took place in Germany 4 years ago. Many factors come into play – construction, travel, energy efficiency and existing infrastructure. Read on to see how each one adds to the 2,753,251 tons of CO2 (the equivalent of yearly emissions of over a million cars) that the event is projected to generate, what steps are being taken to possibly offset some of the ungreenness and how some of what is contributing to the massive footprint could actually be a good thing for South Africa.

Construction makes up a decent portion of the footprint contributing 15,359 tons of CO2 to the total. To be fair, it’s important to point out that unlike past host locations, South Africa didn’t have many existing stadiums and needed to build new ones. As you may know, cement production releases carbon at a ratio of one ton of carbon for each ton of cement, and the amount of the material needed to construct the 10 main venues for games was substantial.

Another major factor will be international travel. Since many, if not the majority, of fans will be making the trek from Europe, the fact that the games will be located in South Africa ups the amount of carbon from travel quite a bit from past competitions held in European countries to 1,856,589 tons. In addition to how the fans are getting to the games, their energy consumption while they stay at hotels and other accommodations is projected to release 340,128 tons of carbon into the atmosphere largely due to the poor energy efficiency of South Africa’s buildings.

So what’s the good news? Well, much of what has been built has incorporated sustainable features like solar panels and efficient lighting, and will hopefully be used for other events for years to come. In terms of travel within South Africa, the Gautrain, a high-speed rail network, has been constructed to transport fans around the country, and will also remain as an alternative to cars for residents.

And a plan to reduce the games’ carbon footprint is currently in progress. According to ENS Newswire, the Global Environment Facility, the United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP, and the South African Department of Environmental Affairs have partnered to secure $1 million in funding from the Global Environmental Facility Fund to install solar panels and efficient lights on the streets and promote low carbon participation by handing out informational packets to fans.

Via EU Infrastructure

Jun 11, 2010



Learn significant knowledge on leadership and management of higher education. Let individual learning and experiences flow from one expert to another.

Take the big LEAP!

SEARCA, in cooperation with the SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology (BIOTROP) and Asian Institute of Management (AIM), invites applicants for limited training grants (on a competitive basis) to participate in the second offering of “Leadership Excellence in Academe Program for Southeast Asia (LEAP SEA).”

Applications are open to senior and mid-level executives of higher education institutions (HEIs) in SEAMEO member countries -- especially those in agriculture, forestry, or environmental studies. LEAP SEA will accept 20-25 higher education leaders, particularly those in their first year or first term of administration of tertiary and post-graduate academic institutions.

The program runs for 12 weeks, commencing with a six-day forum to be held on 19-24 July 2010 in Bogor, Indonesia. Applicants should submit a concept note of the case story concerning HEI administration and management that they intend to undertake. This will later be developed into a publication of LEAP SEA cases as knowledge and learning resources appropriate for Southeast Asia.

Aside from the training grants, LEAP SEA is open to fee-based participants. Course fee amounts to US$600 per participant for live-in rate excluding airfare and US$500 for live-out rate. Please see attached course flyer and application form. Accomplished application forms should be submitted by 30 June 2010.

For additional information and forms, visit the following link at the SEARCA website:

For further details, please contact:

Dr. Maria Celeste H. Cadiz

SEARCA Knowledge Management Department Manager;


Ms. Nova A. Ramos

Training Specialist

Fax: (63-49) 536-2283

Telephone (63-49) 536-2365 (63-49) 536-2365 to 67 local 125/173

Jobs/Volunteering in Climate Change Field

Policy Analyst (Climate Change), CAFOD, London, £35,531 - £39,086
Planet Pledge Project Officer, New Caledonian Woodlands, Crieff, £18,813 - £23,818 pa pro rata
Training Internship, Climate Outreach and Information Network, Oxford, £12,000 pa pro rata
Volunteer Bookkeeper, Climate Outreach and Information Network, Oxford , -


Jobs/Volunteering in Conservation Field

Assistant Biodiversity Officer, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, Botley, Hampshire, £18,593 pa + 9% pension
Trainee Ranger, Berry Head NNR, Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust, Brixham, Devon, £125/week
Editor, RSPB, Sandy, Bedfordshire, £20,000 - £22,000 pa
Local Groups Officer, RSPB, Westminster, London, £17,000 - £19,000 pa pro rata
Community Fundraiser, RSPB, Banbury, Oxfordshire, £18,000 - £20,000 pa
People Engagement Assistant, RSPB, Newport Wetlands, £13,500 - £15,000 pa
Senior Conservation Scientist - Carbon & Biodiversity, RSPB, Sandy, Bedfordshire, £24,500 - £29,000
Information Assistant, RSPB, RSPB Saltholme Reserve, Teeside, £13,500 - £15,000
Camera Technician, RSPB, RSPB Saltholme Reserve, Teeside, £10.00/hour
Assistant Warden, RSPB, Stour Estuary, North Essex, £14,000 - £16,000 pa
Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Project Officer, Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire, £22,958 - £25,472
Terrestrial Conservation Officer, Devon Wildlife Trust, Exeter, £19,401 pa plus 5% pension
Rivers and Wetlands Officer - Working Wetlands, Devon Wildlife Trust, North and Mid Devon (based at Beaworthy), £20,768 pa plus 5% pension
Landguard Operations & Development Officer, Landguard Fort Trust, Felixstowe, £23,000 pa
Community Leader, Sussex Wildlife Trust, Hastings, Sussex, £11.23/hour
Assistant Research Officers - Worldwide, Frontier, Various
Country Coordinator - Cambodia, Frontier, Cambodia
Student Representatives, Frontier, Various
Fundraising and Outreach Officer, Sumatran Orangutan Society, Oxford, Commensurate with experience
Conservation Advisor (Wildlife), Exmoor National Park, Dulverton, Somerset, Up to £22,221 pa
Conservation Ranger Barking Riverside, London Wildlife Trust, London, £22,500
Nature Reserve Warden & Project Officer, Harlow Council, Harlow, £11.55/hour
Permanent Visitor Centre Assistant, Scottish Wildlife Trust, Montrose Basin Wildlife Centre, £13,000 - £14,000 pa
Research Assistant (Applied Ethology), Chester Zoo, Chester, £12,394
Park Warden (including Community Engagement), The National Trust, Charlecote Park, Warwick, £18,610 - £20,252 pa
Lily Hill Park Manager, Bracknell Forest Council, Bracknell, Berkshire, £31,400 - £35,900 pa
Local Nature Reserve Development Officer, Lancashire Wildlife Trust, Bolton, £19,680 pa
Trainee Reserves Assistants x2, Wildlife Trust BCNP, Cambourne, Nr Cambridge , -
Behavioural Research Intern, Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust / Living Coasts, Torquay, Devon , -
Rainforest Journalist, CREES, Manu, Peru , -
Volunteer Conservation Assistant, Avon Wildlife Trust, Bristol , -
Residential Volunteer Visitor Officer Internship, RSPB, RSPB Fairburn Ings then Leighton Moss , -
Residential Volunteer Warden Internship, RSPB, Leighton Moss, then Coombes Valley , -
Conservation Projects Volunteer Officer, BTCV Croydon, Croydon , -
v involved Placement - Communications & Fundraising Assistant, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, York , -
ZSL Website Conservation Internship, Zoological Society of London, ZSL London Zoo , -
Volunteer Conservation Officer, Nurture Lakeland, Staveley, near Kendal , -
Birdfair Volunteer, The British Birdwatching Fair, Rutland Water Nature Reserve, Rutland , -
Reedbed Survey Assistant 2010, RSPB, Bedfordshire , -
Pilot Project - Volunteer Workers, Borders Environmental Education Services (BEES), Northumberland Coast AONB , -
Conservation Volunteer Experience around Australia & New Zealand, Global Nomadic Ltd, Australia & New Zealand , -
