A template to be used with MicroSoft Excel
Not for resale
Here is a handy template that can help you inventory your forest. The spreadsheet was designed by forester Bruce Springer and is a quick and easy way to generate general forest inventory data. It was created with simplicity in mind and can be used by either a tree owner or a forester.
Mr. Spinger can be contacted for technical assistance at bvspring@hiwaay.net You should be advised that Mr. Springer makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of this program and should be used only for quick estimates - not for a detailed inventory. It is designed to use in the Southern United States but can be converted to use in other areas of North America.
You must have Microsoft Excel to run the template.
INSTRUCTIONS: First, print a copy of an "empty" Tree Tally Sheet and use as your field recording sheet. Enter hand recorded cruise inventory data on the Tree Tally Sheet page/tab.
Use TAB to view information field by field. All other pages will be automatically completed as you fill out data on the Tree Tally Sheet. This spreadsheet is write protected and you cannot change any fields other than those with yellow shading.
TAB 1 - Tree Tally Sheet - You must manually enter acreage, tree heights and diameters by species, and number of plots on this sheet.
TAB 2 - Trees Per Acre - Automatically records the number of trees per acre based on your choice of cruise design (10 BAF Prism; 1/5th acre; 1/10th acre; 100% measure).
TAB 3 - Basal Area Per Acre - Automatically records the basal area per acre (only when using 10 BAF Prism cruise design).
TAB 4 - Volume Per Tree - Volumes assigned to each tree for blow-up.
TAB 5 - Volumes Per Acre - Automatically records blown-up total volumes by species, by diameter and height, and by merchantability class.
TAB 6 - Unit Rates - Tree prices are assigned to each tree for blow-up (changable in yellow shaded area).
TAB 7 - Values - Automatically estimates tree values based on unit rates assigned.
Mr. Spinger can be contacted for technical assistance at bvspring@hiwaay.net You should be advised that Mr. Springer makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of this program and should be used only for quick estimates - not for a detailed inventory. It is designed to use in the Southern United States but can be converted to use in other areas of North America.
You must have Microsoft Excel to run the template.
INSTRUCTIONS: First, print a copy of an "empty" Tree Tally Sheet and use as your field recording sheet. Enter hand recorded cruise inventory data on the Tree Tally Sheet page/tab.
Use TAB to view information field by field. All other pages will be automatically completed as you fill out data on the Tree Tally Sheet. This spreadsheet is write protected and you cannot change any fields other than those with yellow shading.
TAB 1 - Tree Tally Sheet - You must manually enter acreage, tree heights and diameters by species, and number of plots on this sheet.
TAB 2 - Trees Per Acre - Automatically records the number of trees per acre based on your choice of cruise design (10 BAF Prism; 1/5th acre; 1/10th acre; 100% measure).
TAB 3 - Basal Area Per Acre - Automatically records the basal area per acre (only when using 10 BAF Prism cruise design).
TAB 4 - Volume Per Tree - Volumes assigned to each tree for blow-up.
TAB 5 - Volumes Per Acre - Automatically records blown-up total volumes by species, by diameter and height, and by merchantability class.
TAB 6 - Unit Rates - Tree prices are assigned to each tree for blow-up (changable in yellow shaded area).
TAB 7 - Values - Automatically estimates tree values based on unit rates assigned.
This is a great spreadsheet. Thanks for providing it! I sure would like to be able to change the fonts though. I can't read many of the columns due to a change in font I suppose. Numbers in header don't fit. Can you send the password?
Dear Group,
For Technical Assistance, please send an e-mail to the spreadsheet designer, Bruce Springer, to bvspring@hiwaay.net.
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